Winter Break Travels

Winter break has allowed me to travel just a bit.

First off, I returned to Burbank, CA for some last minute Christmas shopping, as seen in the latest ethanwhatsgood vlog. I didn't document the shopping part due to Christmas secret security conflicts.

Currently, I'm in the best Washington-themed state in the union.

As soon as I landed in Seattle, I dropped off my duffel bag at luggage storage in the terminal and hopped on the light rail to Pioneer Square, downtown. My first destination was the Columbia Center, formerly known as the Bank of America Tower and the Columbia Seafirst Center. It was one of my favorite skyscrapers as a kid when I discovered it in SimCity 4 (mostly because it was one of the cheapest assets you can buy) when I was 8 years old. Columbia Center has the best observation deck in the city. It's taller, less crowded, and offers a wider range of view than the Space Needle.

Smith Tower, also one of my favorite inexpensive SimCity 4 assets:

Seattle Municipal Tower:

Looking up:

I spent 2 hours up in the observation deck before I headed back down to the streets. I needed a snack. I walked half a mile south to Uwajimaya. I did intend to vlog my shenanigans downtown but I was alone. And it was dark. And there were plenty of questionable transients around. Safety first. I did take some pictures on the way to the market though. Here's Smith Tower and the Columbia Center from 2nd Avenue and Jackson Street:

I had to snack on some Japanese grocery foods, options that I do not have in Vegas.

That pork underneath my Calpis is actually more of a Chinese dish but it looked too tasty to pass up.

The next day my cousin took me out to explore Tacoma. We checked out the Museum of Glass.

I built this bass guitar with broken strings sculpture in the kid's zone. This is art.

The next day was my first cousin's once removed 9th birthday party. I had too much fun with family to record video so this trip turned into my first blog post instead of a vlog. I've got a free day today before I head back home tonight but I just feel like taking it easy. It has been a good trip hanging out with my family. I've got to come back soon.

Looking forward to blogging more. I've had this domain name for over a year now and I haven't done anything with it. Like an idiot.

Stay tuned for updates


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