REI Flagship Store - Seattle. Add the foie gras.

As an outdoor hobbyist, you can find me at my two Vegas REI locations weekly. Whether I'm looking to modify my Hydroflask, picking up CO2 canisters, or stocking up on energy gels for an upcoming ride, it is always a pleasure to visit my REI. So upon landing in Seattle with no particular plans, it made sense for me to bolt straight to the REI flagship store. After downing a local beer and eating some poutine, of course. The flagship store can be easily spotted from the I-5 southbound lanes with its towering glass structure. It's an easy trek from the Capitol Hill light rail station, which I rode to from SeaTac Airport, baggage in hand. With 2 floors, an indoor rock climbing wall, and tons of gear for the outdoor enthusiast, this particular store is a dream to visit. Although REI stocks thousands of items for any outdoor occasion, I was here for one thing: cycling. In particular, mountain bikes to test ride on their on-property test trail. The test trail has some...